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Relocation Tag

The Law Offices of Ian S. Mednick, P.C. > Posts tagged "Relocation"

Making the Move: Dealing with Relocation and Holiday Disputes

Relocation and Holiday - Family Photo

Following your divorce, you or your ex-spouse may choose to relocate to a different state or country. Although no state or federal law limits you from moving to a new location, it becomes an issue when there is a child involved. It may even intensify the conflict between you and your ex-spouse, especially if you have joint custody over your child. At some point, your ex-spouse might even oppose your move so you will give up custody of your child. If you have your child’s best interests and welfare in mind, here are ways you can deal with and settle relocation...

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Challenges of Relocating With Children Post-Divorce

A divorce can be a complicated matter when children are involved. Even after the divorce is resolved and custody has been determined, both parents must continue to interact with each other. Often times, complications arise when the custodial spouse wishes to move to a new city, state, or country with the children. The result of which typically becomes a complex situation in that the spouse wishing to relocate might be doing it to give the children better opportunities or reduce their living expenses, but the left-behind parent will obviously be unable to see his or her children as easily as before....

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